Well, we've been back in Hotlanta for a week now, but we're still missing the beach. Overall, we had such a good time and were so glad to be able to see Mark, Ellen, Emma, Zoe and the whole gang on Tybee Island. As we were leaving Tybee, Riley asked, "Why can't we just live with Mark and Ellen?" We'd love to make a move down there, but Charles hasn't been able to find a job in the area. Maybe one day...
Not much to report, but I did have the first half of a dental proceedure done today--my dentist removed all the old bonding from my top front teeth and cut my gums a bit to make way for some shiney new veneers! It was a two-hour process and was far from fun, but the results will be well worth it. Unfortunately, my teeth now look like they did when I was in sixth grade--I have a ginormous space between my two front teeth. I would post a picture, but it's way embarrasing. Charles says they don't look that bad (isn't he sweet?), but when I showed Riley, she simply said, "Wow." I bet Charles that two quarters would fit in the space and he said, "No way." He was wrong--they fit quite nicely.
Anyway, back to what I came here to do--post some pictures. Here's a look at what we did all week...

Riley & Charles pose on the dock at Hudson's Restaurant.

Riley lets the clown at Hudson's put a little "art" on her hand.

After dinner, Riley skips shells on the water.

The boats docked at Hudson's.

Riley creates her own "pool" on the beach.

She's such a ham when it comes to pictures.

Riley loved playing miniature golf with a pirate
theme (she's so into pirates right now).

She was so focused on her shots--she
took it very seriously.

Random bird we spotted while we were
riding our bikes around the island.

This picture just cracks me up--this
was taken at Hilton Head Ice Cream.

Riley playing with her cousin, Ann.
Ann looooved Riley's Croc's!

We stopped at Uncle Bubba's to eat on our
way to Tybee Island. Saw Uncle Bubba, but no Paula Dean...

View from our "private" table at Uncle Bubba's.

The spread on Tybee Beach for the Fourth of
July--lots of fun people and "adult" beverages!

Shrimp boat right off the beach--it was
swarming with seagulls and dolphins.

Low tide was super messy--here's Riley
with her friends playing in the muck.

She got a little muddy...

The Three Stooges--Mark, Jim (he's with the Coast Guard) and Charles.
I guess it's back to the real world now...