On Saturday, we bought tickets to see the Lake Lanier Islands light show online (on a whim) and drove up to Northeast Georgia to check things out. We went to Callaway Gardens last year to see their lights, but we wanted to try something different this year.
Charles took tons of pictures and I've posted a few of them here. Riley was completely enthralled and loved every minute of our hour-long drive through the park. She particularly liked one section of lights with a distinct "under water" theme--I'm sure you'll know it when you see it!
Nine ladies dancing.
Twelve drummers drumming.
Mmmm...huge candy canes!
Toy soldiers.
Flying fish!
Really pretty lines of trees.
Cool castle.
Huge archway.
More candles--this looked like a giant table center piece...
Here they are: Patrick, Squidward and SpongeBob!
SpongeBob Santa!
Live nativity scene. Riley watched for a moment and
then asked us, "Where the heck did they find a camel in Georgia?"
"Why don't you come with me, little girl, on
a magic carpet ride."
Very pretty snowflake arch.
We're not in Kansas anymore...After all the lights, we stopped at the Christmas shop and looked at all the amazing ornaments and decorations they had for sale. The trees in this place were amazing! Riley also saw Santa, but did not want to go sit on his lap to discuss Christmas presents.
Inside the Christmas Shop.
One of the beautifully decorated trees.
On the way out of the shop, we met the man below--all decked out in an impressive suit. He spoke with Riley for a moment and then sprinkled some magic "Christmas Dust" on her and told her to close her eyes and make a Christmas wish.
Riley getting "sprinkled." On the drive home, she asked, "Do you know what my Christmas wish was? I wished for a puppy!" Charles and I just looked at each other and sighed. This kid will not give up on the idea of a dog of her own!!