So Mom and I took my window back to the shop in Dallas on Friday...and I'm so glad Mom was with me so I wouldn't chicken out!
The owner didn't seem upset at all that it took me so long and was really pleased with the final result. Not long after we arrived, two women showed up at the shop and admired my window and commented on how pretty it was. One of the women abruptly asked, "So, how much for the window?" The shopkeeper replied, "Forty-five dollars." The next thing I heard was, "Sold!" How ironic--the window I'd been dreading to finish sells not ten minutes after I return it to the store!
Now, I've got the woman who bought it, the shopkeeper and my Mom telling me I should paint more of them! I have several stashed away in the garage, so I guess I need to pull those out and get to work. The shopkeeper also wants me to paint some old chairs as I have a few of those in storage as well. I guess I'll be pretty busy in the coming months!
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