Tuesday, July 13, 2010

We're Alive, Damn Those Cookies, 14 Years and Random Links

Okay, I know I've been slacking when it comes to this blog, but I'm not even sure anyone ever reads this thing anyway! Yes, we're all still alive and happy. In fact, Charles and I just celebrated our 14th anniversary last week. I guess Father Smokey was right about us! Anyhoo...

We've finally settled into the new house. Things are going well, but with the open design of this house, we're finding it hard to find the perfect spot for a few large pieces of furniture. Not to worry, though--my Mom is coming in a couple of weeks and she can work her magic on organizing the entire house.

We really have no yard to speak of, but we're getting used to that--Riley can at least still ride her four-wheeler around the back yard, she just can't go very far!

I'm still working from home and I got a bit of a promotion recently--our company acquired a competing magazine and I'm now the editor for that Web site as well. I'm extremely busy, which means that Riley must find ways to entertain herself...

We also get some cool catalogs and magazine thanks to the Marine pilot and his wife who used to live here. Charles ordered a few new goodies and here's the result.

Let me tell you, those cookies were a b!tch to decorate...they looked nothing like the picture on the box of cookie presses. The folks at Willliams & Sonoma must have some major artists working there--that, or they are really great at Photoshop!

We also found a massive moth in the garage a few weeks ago...

Doug told me that it's a Green Sphinx moth--way cool.

We've also been visiting the beach quite a bit--easy to do when Atlantic Beach is only a 30-minute drive from our house. If you get there early enough in the day, you can practically park at the ocean...

We always have a good time and find tons of great shells. Riley enjoys it when Charles buries her in the sand.

I'll leave you with some pictures of one of the most beautiful churches I've ever seen--and it's even one of the town's Episcopal churches!! This place is all kinds of cool...

Isn't it beautiful? The entire town is full of buildings, churches and historic spots just like this. It seems as though there's a historical marker every 200 feet in this town--Charles is in heaven.

Plus, we're just 15 miles from the Marine Corps Air Station at Cherry Point so he gets to see tons of awesome helicopters and jets. In fact, our next-door neighbors are flight surgeons at Cherry Point--they are very cool people with a nine-month-old lab, Bruschi (named after Tedy Bruschi). He and Riley have become fast friends--even though he barks like mad at her four-wheeler. He must think it's some kind of monster!

Okay, I really need to wrap this up, but I end with the following random issues:


Amy said...

Hooray! A new post :-) Just wanted you to know you have a fan! Thanks for the always cool Web finds!

Michelle Renee Andis said...

I am so glad to hear you guys were able to sell your home and you are happy with your move. I still miss you guys, loads! Your new hometown looks so cool. Hope to see you all some time in the near future!