Can you die from stress? I know the answer is a solid "yes," but I'd really like to avoid that outcome. The pressures of work, combined with keeping the house clean, the laundry washed, the dishes done, cooking meals, carting Riley to Taekwondo three times a week, swimming lessons once a week and life in general--it's all becoming too much to bear. At 37, I feel like an 80-year-old woman.
On top of the stressers mentioned above, I'm in the middle of dealing with some weird, doctor-stumping skin issue. I've had two biopsies with no real answers and I'm now in the process of finding a doctor at The School of Medicine in nearby Greenville, NC. I'm also still dealing with problems related to my septoplasty surgery two years ago. I've been going to an ENT doc whose tried to solve my issues, but, following a CT scan and having an endoscope shoved up my nose, has decided to take a biopsy of the lining of my nose. I'm thinking it's not going to be a very plesant experience, as he's prescribed Valium for me to take before I leave the house on Thursday, again when I get to his office and again after the proceedure. Sounds like it's going to be fun, huh?
I'm just hoping I'm back to normal by the next day because we're driving to Concord, NC (just outside Charlotte) to take Riley to her next Taekwondo tournament. We're staying at my step-sisters house and my parents will be driving over from Tennessee to spend the weekend with us. I haven't seen them since Christmas so I'm super excited.
At her last tournament two weeks ago, she took third place in forms and first place in sparring. We were so proud!
Master Cann gives Riley last-minute instructions. |
Giving it her all! |
Excited to get her first-place trophy. |
The over-celebration. |
Presenting her form. |
Showing off her third-place trophy for forms. |
So, this week and weekend will be busy: Lots of time in the car and not enough time visiting with family. The tournament will be an all-day thing, but at least my Mom is going with us--I can chat with her the entire day!
Oh, we visited D.C. for Spring Break. Click
here to see some of the photos posted on Charles' Facebook page.
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