Wow, the holidays went by in a blur! It was a very busy time for us, but we had fun. On Riley's birthday, the 24th, Jack and Nancy came up to celebrate her big day and to celebrate Christmas with us.
Pirates of the Caribbean Cake.
Blowing out the candles.
Opening the "big" present.
It's the Bat Cave!
She's so happy!
Gotta have all the accessories!
I think this was her favorite birthday present.
She played with it all night...
Ben 10 watch from Uncle Mike, Aunt Pam and Ann.
Our Christmas tree.
More birthday presents from Papa and Grandma.
An Easy-Bake oven!!
She also got a Smart Globe.
Riley had to play with it right away.
Jack and Nancy opening Christmas presents.
We stayed at home on Christmas Eve and enjoyed Christmas morning together--just the three of us.
Riley tearing into the pile of Christmas presents
for her from Mommy and Daddy.
She looks so fierce! Christmas day we loaded up the car and drove to Tennessee. Soon after we arrived, we celebrated Riley's birthday with Gami and Papa Doug.
Gami got a Pirates of the Caribbean Cupcake Cake...
Ready to do the deed...
Blowing out the candles.
Playing with stuff off the cake.
A total pirate.
She looks ready to pillage...
Opening a box of Legos.
Doug gives Riley a "hook."
Papa Doug gets into the spirit of the day!
Gee, do you think she was excited?
We took a break and had Christmas dinner followed by celebrating Christmas and opening presents and stockings.
Surrounded by presents...
A Batman ornament!
Indiana Jones!
This was the big present...the one she'd been waiting for...
So, so happy!
Thanks, Gami and Papa Doug!!
Riley helping Gami.
Doug really liked his new Cap-Lite.
Charlie keeping watch at the cabin.
Charlie at the cabin.
Charlie and Doug at the cabin.
Sunset at my parents' house.
View from my parents' gazebo.
After Christmas with Gami and Papa Doug, we drove over to Papa Burn's house to celebrate Riley's birthday and Christmas with him and Cathy.
Riley in her silly Santa hat.
She loves her new horse!
Papa Burn helps open the Santa sack.
Riley digging in...
Look at all this loot!
Cool new Spiderman hat.
Not so sure about the remote-controlled tarantula...
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