Saturday, January 31, 2009

Look What I Can Do!

Friday was "Look What I Can Do" day at Riley's new school. All parents were invited to check out the activities the children perform regularly in class. It was really cute to see all the kids in their element...they were each so proud to show off!

Riley's friend Anna teamed up with us because neither of her parents were able to attend. She and Riley took turns picking out things/activities to show us.

Anna and Riley complete a puzzle map of
North America and Mexico.

Riley was so proud of her work!

Anna and Riley place numbers on their mat.

Making great progress...

What teamwork!

Anna tries cursive first...

Then Riley gives it a try...


Trying a "t."

Tightening screws.

Rolling up her activity mat--she posed
for this and insisted we take her picture.

At the end of the hour, Riley was upset to see us go--I think she thought we would be staying with her all day. She was quite upset, but one of the teachers helped to calm her down so we could leave. She and the teacher made muffins especially for us that she gave us when I picked her up later that afternoon. So sweet!